Life Sciences Day Open House 2019

Post on: 2020-03-02Source: Life English Hits:

On December 7th, Life Sciences Day Open House 2019 with the theme of Uncover Secrets of Biologywas successfully held at the Biology Museum on Xiamen University Siming Campus by the State Key Laboratory of Cellular Stress Biology(Xiamen University).

Over 6000 visitors, mostly elementary students and middle school students, flooded the Museum and experienced a variety of experiments and exhibits conducted by volunteers, such as the diatom puzzles in the Plant Magic Class at Hawker’s College, the 3D films that realistically reproduce the pregnancy process of Wenchang fish  and the growth of mangroves, as well as the Audio Museum posted for free on the internet. In addition to the exhibits and experiments, speakers from the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences gave talks throughout the day.

The event was coordinated by Chinese Society for Cell Biology, Xiamen Municipal Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Life Sciences(Xiamen University), etc.

The Life Sciences Day Open House is aimed at promoting public awareness and understanding of biological science. Held annually since 2015, this event has attracted more than 25,000 people and has been highly appreciated by Xiamen residents.